Tips to Avoid Over-Packing

A vacation in the Caribbean is a thrilling prospect, but packing for it is not quite as exciting! You want to make sure you have everything you’ll need, but without overdoing it. So how do you know exactly what to bring without weighing yourself down? We asked that very question to the people who know…


Real Wedding: Bridgette + Kevin

You might think the tale of a charming gentleman wooing a Southern belle only exists in movies. If so, you’ve clearly never been to Coconut Bay. It was on the shores of our Caribbean beach that Ms. Bridgette Richardson and Mr. Kevin Weiss — both hailing from Dallas, Texas — became man and wife. Bridgette…


Kick Off the New Year by Taking a Trip to Saint Lucia

After the festivity, travel, and spending sprees of the holidays, by January, most people are ready to hunker down at home for the winter. But wouldn’t it be nice to go on a nice tropical getaway while everyone else is stuck in the doldrums of cold, winter weather? Imagine indulging in the delights of all-inclusive…


Magical Engagement in the Island of Saint Lucia

So you’re ready to ask your beloved to spend eternity with you. Maybe you didn’t want to do it during the holidays — too much chaos and distraction — but with the arrival of 2016, now is the perfect time to pop that question. And you won’t find a more picture-perfect setting for your engagement…


Family-Friendly Excursions in Saint Lucia

At Coconut Bay, we shatter the misconception that the Caribbean is only for couples and singles. While Saint Lucia is great for romance and night life, Coconut Bay opens up more options for families. In addition to offering a dedicated wing of the resort just for families, we have a long list of exciting excursions…


Holiday Vacation Tips for All

With the holidays right around the corner, more and more people are just itching for the days prior to it to go by faster. Whether you’re running from the cold and retreating to the warmth of the Caribbean, celebrating a holiday/winter wedding or even if you opted to stay home with your loved ones, here…


Dos & Don’ts of Destination Weddings

Destination weddings combine the elation of a loving union with the thrill of an exotic vacation. With so much to look forward to, it’s easy to get swept up in the magic of a destination ceremony and overlook some key details. Here are a few tips to guide you as you plan your unforgettable destination…


Coconut Bay’s very own Island Vibration Cocktail

Are you already missing the many cocktails Coconut Bay serves? Why not make one of them at home this holiday season. The following is the recipe for the Island Vibration: Ingredients 1 ounce grenadine 1 ounce lime juice 1 ounce vodka 1 ounce rum 1 ounce peach schnapps 1 ounce amaretto 2 ounce orange juice…


Young Family Travel Tips

There are some for whom the Caribbean doesn’t necessarily come to mind as a possible vacation destination when family trips include young children. Some parents might think that tropical vacations are only for couples or the wealthy. In reality, the Caribbean is incredibly family-friendly, and you are guaranteed a high level of satisfaction particularly if…
