Tips to Avoid Over-Packing

A vacation in the Caribbean is a thrilling prospect, but packing for it is not quite as exciting! You want to make sure you have everything you’ll need, but without overdoing it. So how do you know exactly what to bring without weighing yourself down? We asked that very question to the people who know…

Holiday Vacation Tips for All

With the holidays right around the corner, more and more people are just itching for the days prior to it to go by faster. Whether you’re running from the cold and retreating to the warmth of the Caribbean, celebrating a holiday/winter wedding or even if you opted to stay home with your loved ones, here…

family vacation in St. Lucia

Young Family Travel Tips

There are some for whom the Caribbean doesn’t necessarily come to mind as a possible vacation destination when family trips include young children. Some parents might think that tropical vacations are only for couples or the wealthy. In reality, the Caribbean is incredibly family-friendly, and you are guaranteed a high level of satisfaction particularly if…

Fall Back Into Summer

Has booking a vacation been on your to-do list for way too long? Perhaps you wanted to take a trip this summer but just never got around to making it happen. If that’s the case, we have good news for you vacation procrastinators out there — it’s never too late! While summer is almost upon…