The Exotic Side of Saint Lucia: Catamaran Land & Sea Adventure

Saint Lucia has so much to offer, and if you are an adventure-seeker, you will find many excursions to satisfy your passion for thrill-seeking and the outdoors. Through specially-created tours, you can enjoy our island to the fullest. Be sure to book the Catamaran Land & Sea Adventure tour during your visit to Coconut Bay…


The Coconut Bay Savings Guide You’ve Been Waiting For

Fall is one of the best times to visit Coconut Bay Beach Resort and Spa. Kitesurfing season kicks off in November. Therefore guests can enjoy the sand and surf more peacefully than during summer’s high-season. Walk around comfortably as the night cools down, but the excitement heats up with amazing food, music, and entertainment. If…


The Best Excursions to Do in Saint Lucia

Though COVID has put a damper on many travel plans this year, Saint Lucia has remained a safe option. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) lists Saint Lucia among the few destinations where risk is VERY LOW and there is no travel health notice. Explore Coconut Bay’s 85 acres and one mile of beach or…


The Babymoon: One Last Hurrah for Parents-To-Be

If you ask parents, they’ll tell you nothing compares to the joy you experience when you first look into your newborn baby’s eyes. Parents will also tell you that nothing can quite prepare you for the stress that accompanies that deceptively adorable bundle of joy. For parents-to-be, the near future holds sleep deprivation, dirty diapers,…


Tastes of the Caribbean: Unique Rums of the Islands

National Rum Day is August 16, but you don’t need a holiday to celebrate this tasty beverage of the Caribbean. In the 17th century, Caribbean farmers were focused on producing sugar, but found they had a significant amount of molasses as a by-product. Combined with sugar cane juice, the sweet sticky concoction made the perfect…


Taste the Best of the Caribbean at Coconut Bay

Even the healthiest eaters cheat a little when they go on vacation, but at Coconut Bay Beach Resort & Spa, we don’t like to call it “cheating.” We call it indulging because you can nosh on gourmet Caribbean food from some of the best chefs in the islands. You don’t have to take our word…


Take a Break from Your Holiday Break

The holidays bring with them food, family, and fun. On the flipside, they can also bring a lot of stress and perhaps just a little too much quality time with extended family. Have you ever gotten through your holiday vacation only to need another vacation just to decompress? We understand! We have the perfect antidote…


Stop Planning: It’s Time to Book Your 2020 Trip to Saint Lucia

2020 is the year that you stop planning and start traveling. Instead of daydreaming about warm beaches and cool waters, book your warm tropical getaway NOW. It’s a new year and there are new places to explore. From exciting coral reefs to high rainforest canopies, Saint Lucia can challenge your sense of adventure and leave…
